Friday, June 28, 2013

Next Stop: Warm Springs

On Wednesday, June 26, the SFPUC partnered with BART and Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) to show Fremont city councilmembers and local media three infrastructure improvement projects in Fremont's Warm Springs business district.

These construction projects are located within a 1-mile radius and are sandwiched between the I-680 and I-880 on Mission Blvd. They are part of regional water and transportation programs with a combined budget nearing $8 billion!

WSIP Director Julie Labonte welcomed the Fremont city council and reporters and 
announced that the WSIP and its 80+ projects are nearly 75% complete.

The event was designed to attract not only city council, but also reporters from multi-lingual and ethnic news sources. The event helped to reach commuters and residents of all cultural backgrounds throughout this diverse community. This summer kicked off major construction activities for all three projects that could cause delays for commuters who live in the area.

Fremont City Council committed nearly three hours out of their work days and participated in the event to understand the complexity of the construction projects and the lifelong benefits it would bring to their region.

"When agencies work together, the public wins," said WSIP Director Julie Labonte. "By coordinating our infrastructure improvements to enhance the economic vitality of the area now, we will minimize disruptions to Bay Area residents and visitors in the long run."

Radio, TV and print reporters participated in the tour to learn more 
about the infrastructure investments in the Warm Springs area. 

According to the South Fremont/Warm Springs Redevelopment Plan, within 25 years the Warm Springs business district is expected to grow employment by 48%. Due to excellent planning, this economic growth will be supported by the BART extension program, nearby VTA road improvements to Mission Blvd/Warren Ave and the seismic improvements to the Hetch Hetchy Water System that the SFPUC is undertaking within the Hayward Earthquake Fault at the I-680/Mission Blvd interchange.

Seismic Upgrade of BDPL 3&4 Project Manager Bryan Dessaure explained 
how the new pipeline design would ensure Fremont and our 2.6 million 
customers would have a reliable water supply following an earthquake. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Construction Update: Ongoing Night Work at I-680 for Sliplining of Water Pipeline

Starting the week of June 17, the contractor will begin periodic overnight quality assurance monitoring work at the interchange of Mission Blvd. and I-680. This monitoring work is quiet and non-disruptive, and will only take place along Mission Blvd. in the I-680 interchange. At this time, this work will not be near homes and will not disrupt traffic. Approximately three to five crew members will be accessing this work area in the SFPUC right of way around the I-680 and Mission Blvd. interchange.

Since the project is located above the Hayward Earthquake Fault, it is important for the contractor to ensure the jobsite and the newly installed pipeline meets safety and quality requirements before the start of the following work day. The newly installed pipeline will be replaced using the "sliplining" method.

What is sliplining?
Sliplining allows a new pipe segment to be threaded into pre-existing tunnels and pipelines located below I-680 and the I-680 on-ramp. This will ensure traffic continues to flow on I-680 and the ramps. This work and monitoring will continue until the Spring of 2014.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Construction Update: Mission Blvd. Lane Shift

A lane shift on Mission Blvd. east of I-680 in Fremont will take place after rush hour on Thursday, June 6

In order to prepare for water pipeline installation work under Mission Blvd, workers will be shifting all four lanes of Mission Blvd. near I-680 this Thursday.

East- and westbound traffic will be shifted slightly to the north so that workers can drill piles and lay a bridge. Beneath this bridge, workers will then be able to install a water pipeline within a protective concrete box while traffic of Mission Blvd. continues uninterrupted.

The lane shift activity will take place without closures during a low-traffic period on Thursday in the late morning or early afternoon. 

Yellow lines represent the original lanes of Mission Blvd.
Blue lines represent the current alignment of Mission Blvd.
Red lines represent the alignment of Mission Blvd. starting 6/6/13