Friday, May 31, 2013

Recap: Joint Community Meeting with SFPUC, VTA & BART

Last week, Warm Springs residents had a chance to learn and ask questions when the SPFUC co-presented at a joint community meeting with VTA and BART. More than 50 residents attended to hear about three innovative infrastructure improvement projects near Mission Blvd., and many took interest in the details of the Seismic Upgrade BDPL3&4 project.

If you missed the meeting, below are some of the questions which were asked:

  1. What are the project benefits?
    The purpose of the Seismic Upgrade BDPL3&4 project is to ensure that our 2.6 million Bay Area customers will have a reliable water supply following an earthquake. Since this project is located on top of the Hayward Earthquake Fault, the repair, replacement and seismic upgrades taking place are designed to provide a reliable and high-quality water supply that will ensure water for drinking and firefighting during an emergency.

  2. How old is this pipeline and the Hetch Hetchy Water System?
    Much of the Hetch Hetchy Water System was built in the early 20th century, and critical components have reached the end of their useful life and are vulnerable to earthquakes. The BDPL3&4 pipelines are crucial to servicing our East Bay customers, and are a critical connection to the major pipelines that will carry water to the Peninsula.

  3. Will the Seismic Upgrade BDPL3&4 Project require any disruptions of water service in Fremont?
    No. The project is designed to replace lengths of pipe while still delivering water to the region through other pipes in the Hetch Hetchy Regional Water System.

  4. What is the lifespan of this pipeline, and what sort of earthquake is the pipeline designed to survive?
    Our pipes are designed with a lifespan of 50 years.  The new Bay Division Pipeline No. 3, referred to as “3x,” is engineered to withstand a fault movement of up to 6.5 feet, which will protect it against major earthquakes the likes of which have affected the Hayward Fault in recorded history.

  5. What are shutoff stations, and why are they important to the project? 
    Two shutoff stations were installed in 2007 on either end of the pipeline upgrade project. These stations allow the SFPUC to control the flow of water between the pipelines and shut off water leakage should a pipe break occur at the Hayward Earthquake Fault.

Friday, May 17, 2013

You're Invited: South Fremont Construction and Community Public Meeting

South Fremont Construction and Community Public Meeting
Thursday, May 23, 2013
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
South Bay Community Church, Multi-Purpose Room
47385 Warm Springs Boulevard, Fremont

The water pipeline project at Mission Blvd. and I-680 is one of three major construction projects laying the foundations for Fremont's new "Innovation District."

We encourage residents and business owners to join the City of Fremont, VTA, BART, CalTrans and SFPUC on Thursday evening to learn about the lifelong benefits and short term inconveniences that are associated with our projects.

Traffic-related detours and temporary lane/road/on-ramp closures will affect the widely used I-680, I-880 and Mission Blvd. commuter arteries over the next year. At the meeting you can learn more and ask questions about all three projects.

  1. The Seismic Upgrade of Bay Division Pipeline Nos. 3&4 at Hayward Fault 
    The major upgrade of two regional water delivery pipelines that cross the Hayward Fault involves ongoing work activities through the end of 2014.
  2. VTA Mission/Warren Area Improvements Project
    A 12-month Warren Avenue road closure between Kato Road and Mission Falls Court is scheduled to begin Monday, June 17, 2013. The closure will allow construction crews to trench Warren Avenue under the future BART system and build bridges for both BART and the Union Pacific Railroad.
  3. BART Warm Springs Extension Project
    Work will include lane closures on South Grimmer Boulevard between Warm Springs Boulevard and Lopes Court to accommodate BART track way overpass.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Construction Update: Pile-driving Work Underway in Preparation for Water Pipeline Installation

If you use Mission Blvd. in Warm Springs or drive by our work area on the I-680, you might have noticed the arrival of some new, tall machines. These machines aren't bulldozers or excavators. Instead they’re being used to help drill holes for cement pillars in the earth – called secant piles – along the pathway of the new BDPL3 water pipeline.

The purpose of this secant pile work is to ensure that our regional water delivery pipelines are protected during an earthquake in the following ways:
  1. The secant piles will serve as the pipeline’s first line of defense against earthquakes. Their existence around the newly installed BDPL3 pipeline will lessen the impact of soil movement on the pipeline’s own seismically-designed casing and joints. 
  2. Secondly, these piles are necessary to serve as foundations for the temporary raised bridges which will soon replace the I-680 on-ramps and allow construction workers to access pipelines underneath Mission Blvd.
  3. Finally, the piles act as barriers to shore up soil on either side of the project area, ensuring workplace safety during the project’s next phases.
To see more images by SFPUC photographer Robin Scheswohl of the secant pile drilling, watch our video below: