If you missed the meeting, below are some of the questions which were asked:
- What are the project benefits?
The purpose of the Seismic Upgrade BDPL3&4 project is to ensure that our 2.6 million Bay Area customers will have a reliable water supply following an earthquake. Since this project is located on top of the Hayward Earthquake Fault, the repair, replacement and seismic upgrades taking place are designed to provide a reliable and high-quality water supply that will ensure water for drinking and firefighting during an emergency. - How old is this pipeline and the Hetch Hetchy Water System?
Much of the Hetch Hetchy Water System was built in the early 20th century, and critical components have reached the end of their useful life and are vulnerable to earthquakes. The BDPL3&4 pipelines are crucial to servicing our East Bay customers, and are a critical connection to the major pipelines that will carry water to the Peninsula. - Will the Seismic Upgrade BDPL3&4 Project require any disruptions of water service in Fremont?
No. The project is designed to replace lengths of pipe while still delivering water to the region through other pipes in the Hetch Hetchy Regional Water System. - What is the lifespan of this pipeline, and what sort of earthquake is the pipeline designed to survive?
Our pipes are designed with a lifespan of 50 years. The new Bay Division Pipeline No. 3, referred to as “3x,” is engineered to withstand a fault movement of up to 6.5 feet, which will protect it against major earthquakes the likes of which have affected the Hayward Fault in recorded history. - What are shutoff stations, and why are they important to the project?
Two shutoff stations were installed in 2007 on either end of the pipeline upgrade project. These stations allow the SFPUC to control the flow of water between the pipelines and shut off water leakage should a pipe break occur at the Hayward Earthquake Fault.