Landscape Restoration Work: Tissiack Way and Crawford Street in Fremont
As the BDPL 3&4 project nears substantial completion, the contractor will be focusing on restoration activities to make the SFPUC Right of Way feel and look less like an active construction site.
Beginning this month and through June, the contractor will be restoring the SFPUC Right of Way at Tissiack Way and Crawford Street. This will include hydroseeding, paving activities, landscaping and planting California native, drought-tolerant plants. In the coming weeks, a professional landscaper will be responsible for the installation of the landscape design. In addition, the contractor will be installing a drip irrigation system to ensure the plants survive.
In late April/early May, neighborhood sidewalk improvements and the repaving of segments of local streets will be conducted as part of the restoration activities. The contractor may be installing no-parking signs to conduct this work.
Mission Blvd and Curtner Road Work
Restoration work in the clover leaf work areas and along Mission Blvd. continues. Some may notice less machinery and materials in the work area. Currently, the contractor is working to re-grade the area, while restoring the curb, gutters and sidewalks along Mission Blvd. One of the most significant improvements following this project is the installation of wheelchair sidewalk access in three different areas along Mission Blvd. Landscaping and other vegetation restoration activities will happen in May. The contractor hopes to re-open Curtner Road before the end of the month.
Construction on Curtner Road.