Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Preconstruction Work

Starting tomorrow, crews will begin digging exploratory trenches in the SFPUC Right of Way near I-680 as part of the ongoing preconstruction work for the Seismic Upgrade Project. This Project is anticipated to begin this summer and will seismically upgrade two Hetch Hetchy Regional Water System pipelines where they cross the Hayward Fault in Fremont.

For this preconstruction work, construction crews will be working near the I-680 Mission Blvd northbound on-ramp. Work is expected to continue through the end of the week. Our Environmental Monitors will be onsite while construction is in progress. Please see below for the construction notice.

You are encouraged to contact us on our 24- hour project hotline at 800-571-6610 or by email baydivision@sfwater.org.

NOTE: Construction may be delayed due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Update from the Seismic Project Team

Thank you to all who attended the Open House last Wednesday. It was a great opportunity to meet representatives of the project team and the Union Sanitary District to discuss what to expect once construction begins this year. We will share more responses to neighbor’s questions in future weeks.

We will host another public meeting before the construction of the new seismically reliable pipelines begins this summer. Notices will be mailed to nearby neighbors and door hanger invitations will be distributed in advance.

Project Update:

Preconstruction work is still ongoing on the Seismic Upgrade of two Hetch Hetchy Regional Water System pipelines where they cross the Hayward Fault in Fremont. This involves digging exploratory trenches. Residents may see crews and construction activities near the I680 Mission Blvd northbound on-ramp next week.

Union Sanitary District will perform a major utility relocation in spring 2012. This construction work is estimated to begin mid-March and continue through July. Public notices will be mailed out and door hangers distributed as work approaches your neighborhood area.

Stay tuned! We will continue to post updates on this work on our project blog. You are encouraged to contact us on our 24 hour project hotline at 800-571-6610 or by email baydivision@sfwater.org.

NOTE: Construction may be delayed due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mark Your Calendar! January 18th Commmunity Open House

Construction begins this year on the seismic upgrade of two major water pipelines near your neighborhood. Join representatives of the Hetch Hetchy Regional Water System and the Union Sanitary District for an information session on the planned upgrades of two water pipelines in Fremont.

What: Open house on the Seismic Upgrade
of Bay Division Pipeline Nos. 3 and 4

Where: Warm Springs Community Center47300 Fernald Street, Fremont

When: Wednesday, Jan. 18, 7:30 p.m.Refreshments will be provided.

Before construction begins on the seismic upgrades of the water pipelines, Union Sanitary District will relocate a sewer line at the project site at South Mission Boulevard and I-680.

Questions? Call our 24-Hour Project Information Hotline at (800) 571-6610. For construction updates, visit www.sfwater.org/SeismicUpgrade.

Para obtener información en español, por favor comuníquese con Lilia Ledezma al (650) 771-1237.